Wednesday 7 August 2013

When your actions hurt others

I bought 3 books last week when it was really hot. The hottest August day since 2003 or something similar. On my lunch break i went to enjoy the sun and UV rays by walking down past the shops to get a well known brand's ice blended coffee. I stopped by the Cancer Research UK which was having a close/refurb sale and saw books 1, 2 and 3 of the Harry Potter series. Having seen all the films and been to the Warner Brothers Studios, it occured to me that I could read the books and fill in some of the character and plot gaps that had often left me puzzled when watching the films. For a quid each, as you know, I couldn't say no. 

40. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - £1 Cancer Research UK
41. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - £1 Cancer Research UK
42. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - £1 Cancer Research UK

I bought them and smuggled them home. I didn't want to display them on the bookshelf as it's becoming awkward having to guiltily confess to my other half what i've been "forced" to buy whilst out of the house. "erm, i'm really sorry, I did something bad", "you bought books?", my response either being "no, why do you always think I buy books?!" or "I really did have to, I've been looking for this one for ages, it's worth £34.17 on amazon!"

So Harry Potter 1, 2 and 3 went down the side of my bed for a safekeeping and from there I could slowly assimilate them into the library without anyone noticing... This maybe in itself might not be a healthy attitude to relationships and I certainly know that hiding books is a bit of a flag, but then there are flags everywhere. 

The hurt that resulted was not so emotionally complex this week. It was more physical and material. It took a great deal of money and effort on my part to make our flat more home-like with posters, pictures, side tables, foot stools, rugs, throws, coffee tables, candles, lanterns, lamps and book shelves. My partner had no input on the above as he would not even have thought for a moment that a lamp would help you see and make a room look and feel more cosy. If he didn't have a well considered side table for his glass of water, he'd put it on the floor and proceed to knock his phone into said glass. My overladen bookshelf was hurt by my actions. The middle shelf with books stuffed in every gap, 2 books deep, collapsed under the mass of books. The bookshelf deserved better. And that was before I even added the start of my HP collection. 

I have very much officially run out of places to shelve my books. I have two medium sized book shelves that are stacked 2 deep with more stuffed in the gaps, a deep shelf above the sofa and another along my desk for the bigger books and hardbacks, the window sills are filled and I have a stash in my room/in handbags ready to go out or read in bed and a box of overspill is a my mum's house (tending to be heavy hardbacks to annoying to carry on the train). I don't really have any room to put a new shelving unit, maybe I could store books in the wardrobe and throw out some clothes? Or start tower-esque piles around the flat like side tables? Or create a desk, coffee table and sofa out of books and throw out the actual furniture?

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